Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Benefits Of African Black Soap

The benefits of African black soap make it one of the best soaps to use for healthy, moisturized skin. African black soap was one the first natural soaps I ever used and I still use it in my skin care regimen, years later. African black soap is made in West Africa, mostly in Ghana and Togo.

What is black soap and how is it made?
One of the ways african black soap is made is with, cocoa pod ash, coconut oil, shea butter, water and palm kernel oil. African black soap is made by roasting the cocoa pod, and after the roasting,

The cocoa pod is mixed with pure, unrefined, natural palm kernel oil. This process leads to the formation of the soap. No scents, preservatives, chemicals, color enhancers, dye, or fragrances are added during this mixing process. [SOURCE]

What does African Black Soap do?

African Black Soap has been known to help to relieve acne, oily skin, clear blemishes,and soothe eczema, rosacea, and psoriasis and has been used for centuries in African countries.

Though, black soap is very beneficial, it is also very strong and concentrated. Some say they experience burning or irritation when using African black soap, I've never experienced this but, as we know, everyone's skin is different. What I find works best is to not use the soap directly on the skin but, to instead dilute it. By diluting it, you make liquid black soap.


Here is how I make liquid black soap:

1 ounce Black Soap
2 Cups Water

 Heat your water, not until boiling. Cut the soap into chunks and mix. Should take about 15 minutes to fully dissolve. Pour the liquid into an empty bottle and you're all done!

You can replace the water with vegetable glycerin and/or aloe vera juice.

After cleansing with African Black soap be sure to follow up with a great natural lotion or body butter to keep your skin from becoming dry.

Try it out and let me know what you think!

Thanks for reading!

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