Thursday, July 10, 2014

Self Care For Busy Moms- 4 Simple Steps

Being a busy stay at home mom often means that, taking care of yourself becomes less and less of a priority. There is no struggle realer than the "mommy beauty struggle". We know self care is important but, just how can we fit it all in?

P.S. Don't be that mom that tells everyone about your work 100 hrs a week and still manage to stay fly. We don't want to hear it. If you're this person, stop it now.

The saying "death warmed over" describes exactly what I looked like for the first 3  years months after pregnancy. I'm not going to list the endless tasks I had to do daily around the house and how it seemed like I would NEVER get to shower AGAIN! Washing my hair was out of the question. What has time for that?! Makeup? I didn't even know where my makeup bag was, okay? Just know that if this sounds like your life, I understand and I don't judge you at all. I've been there. We all been there but, we can't stay here.
Okay for how do we get out of the new mom fog and get back into the swing of things? How can we be like the rest of civilization and look like we shower everyday? Here's how I did it:

  1. Make A List: No, not a to-do list for your house. This list is for you. Write down everything you need want to "fix". Want to get your nails done? Write it down. Hair needs coloring? Get it on paper. Be reasonable and realistic, write down things you can start within the week. Try to keep it around 4-5 things, you don't look that bad. 
  2. Budget: How much money can you spend each week on one thing on your beauty list? (Put "Beauty List" in big bold letters at the top of this and stick it to your mirror.) If you can only spend $10 right now, that's okay. That's enough to get your eyebrows done. Start there and save for the more expensive things; do those every 2 weeks or so. Put your $10 aside EVERY week. Hair salon visit cost $35? Start putting money aside for that trip now. 
  3. Mutli-task: I know we want to schedule "Mommy Time" and set aside 30 mins. or more as time for just ourselves but, if you can't do that, do what works. Bring your husband and the kids, they can shop, play, walk or wait, not your issue, don't worry about them, go take care of you!
  4. Take It Slow: Does your list seem impossible to tackle? Mine did too. Take it one thing at a time. Get your nails done 1 week, hair done the next, start an exercise regimen after that (I never got to this day). Slowly work things into your schedule. Start small, take just 15-30 minutes a week. Don't overwhelm yourself, stress isn't cute! 

Just know you're not alone and you can do it! This is another phase of motherhood and it will only last as long as you let it. Don't feel guilty about taking time for yourself or even spending money on yourself. Instead of buying that box of icecream, put that money aside for your next appointment.

Go make your list!

Do you have any tips on how you got back into a beauty regimen? Share them in the comments!

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